If you’re not getting the results you want with Facebook Ads, it could be that your ads are running at the wrong time or in the wrong places.
Facebook Ads are a powerful marketing tool. They can bring in new customers, drive traffic to your website and boost sales. But they don’t always work out as planned. To get the most out of your Facebook campaigns, here are eight tips for eCommerce brands on how to 3X the results from their Facebook Ads:
1. Steal your competitor’s best idea
Use the Facebook Ads Library to steal the best creative ideas from your competitors.

Facebook Ads Library is a tool that lets you steal and use the best creative ideas from your competitors. The Facebook Ads Library is a tool that allows you to spy on Facebook ads from other brands on your own account. You can use this tool to find good ad copy and keep it for yourself. It’s also a great way to get ideas for your next campaign.
2) Carousel & collection Ads are powerful.
Use them and combine different creatives including videos, product images, and testimonials within the same ad.

The Facebook carousel ad is a great option for e-commerce marketers. With it, you can promote multiple products in one ad. A Facebook carousel ad is an image that contains multiple products within the same ad. This allows you to promote several products at once and increase your brand visibility on Facebook.
The format of the ad is simple: you have a single image with all of your products on it. Each product has its own image underneath or next to the original image, which helps create more visual interest for users who scroll down the feed. You can also use it to feature different types of products in one ad by using images or videos from each product category.
3) Video ads for the win
Use video ads to showcase your products, including customer testimonial videos and customers using the products.

Video ads are one of the most engaging formats for e-commerce. Video ads are effective because they encourage viewers to engage with the content and turn it into a conversation.
For example, if you have a product that’s made out of wood, you could use video ads to show how your customers use their products and include customer testimonials from happy customers.
You can also use video ads to showcase your products in action. For example Showcase, different types of wood with different finishes Showcase how people can customize their own wooden items by choosing different types of wood, finishing options, and more.
4) Always run a remarketing campaign.
Remarket to people who have abandoned the shopping cart or viewed products on your website.

Remarketing is a powerful tool for increasing conversions and driving more sales. With remarketing, you can target anyone who has visited your site — even if they haven’t bought anything yet.
A single remarketing ad can be placed across multiple channels, including e-commerce stores, social media, and more. Remarketing ads are one of the most effective ways to increase conversions, drive traffic to your website, and turn prospects into customers.
5) Exclude Recent Purchasers.
Use Facebook’s excluded audience feature to prevent showing ads to people who have already purchased from you in the past 30 days.

When it comes to Facebook Ads, it’s important to know what your audience looks like. And while Facebook has a fairly good idea of who you’re targeting, there are certain groups that you may want to exclude from your campaign.
For example, let’s say you sell fitness gear and want to target men over the age of 35. You could do this by creating a custom audience based on their age or gender. However, if you also sell yoga pants and want to target women over the age of 25, then creating another custom audience would be redundant.
In order to avoid using up valuable ad space on people who have already purchased from you in the past 30 days, use Facebook’s excluded audience feature. This allows you to create an excluded audience that will only show ads to people who haven’t purchased from you in the past 30 days.
6) Pay attention to reach and frequency metrics.
Monitor your ad performance closely and pay particular attention to the reach and Ad frequency metrics.

The Facebook Ads dashboard provides a wealth of data on your campaign performance. In addition to the standard Ad performance metrics (Reach, Clicks, Impressions, and Conversions), you can also monitor how well your ads are performing based on different ad types.
Ads are an important part of your marketing strategy, but they can also be a pain. You have to monitor them closely, make sure they’re performing well, and keep an eye out for ad frauds.
7 ) Optimize for purchases
Always optimize your ads for purchases whenever possible.

When you select a Conversion Event to optimize for, Facebook will show your ads to people in your audience who are likely to complete that specific conversion action.
Here’s how it works…
Every time someone completes a conversion event on your website, Facebook takes note of who that person was and what type of conversion they completed. As more people convert, Facebook builds up more and more data about the people completing each of your conversion events.
The takeaway from this is that Facebook Ads are an awesome way for e-commerce stores to get the word out about their products. And if you can think of a creative way to exploit the platform, you can leverage the ads for even more exposure. Either way, it’s a great way to boost sales and reach your target audience, so it’s certainly worth trying out.

But most importantly, as you drive traffic to your website with Facebook Ads, do what you can to keep those people on your site for as long as possible, and convert them into customers. If that means multiple calls-to-action, the use of an exit-intent trigger, or even a freebie incentive, do it! Because at the end of the day, that’s what will ultimately decide if your Facebook Ads campaign was a success or a failure.